“Worst alternative than Delta? Is it possible”

"Worst alternative than Delta? Is it possible"

“There is a worse type of delta possible. This virus has shown us that it has a faster ability than others to find variants, so this entry is welcome to be wary of other variants.” So in the Adnkronos Salute virologist Fabrizio Brigliasco, professor of hygiene at Milan State University, comments on the alarm raised by Anthony Fauci, an immunologist for US President Joe Biden.

“Worst variants mean variants that are able to evade vaccines. We already have epsilon – the virologist remembers – but it doesn’t appear to be a highly contagious variant, but it is actually worse than Delta.”

green card – “Well, the green corridor” for long-distance transport outside the region, “is a really necessary component at this point” says Brigliasco, on what was announced during the time of the inquiry in the Chamber by the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomy Mariastella Gilmini.

However, local public transport, which is usually more crowded, should still be outside. Does this make sense? “Certainly in buses and metros, it’s not easy to do from an operational point of view – says the virologist – so it becomes inconvenient to impose a ban when you can’t implement a control in practice. It also becomes something that reduces value.”

School – Then school. “The Green Pass commitment to school staff is valid, because these ‘operators’ have two components that make them look like doctors: an additional personal risk compared to the general population (particularly elementary school teachers dealing with children who are still unable to be vaccinated), and then ensuring continuity of service. And that — as he asserts — is the point at which, in my opinion, this choice of mandatory green lane is necessary in public contexts.”

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“I think – he adds – that increasing the share of vaccinators is an important component, and it’s the thing that matters to us at the moment.”

forty – According to Pregliasco, a shorter quarantine is being “corrected” for Covid-19-vaccinated people who come into contact with a positive Sars-CoV-2 infection. The virologist comments on the news expected by Health Minister Roberto Speranza, which reduces the isolation period from 10 to 7 days for the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. “However, it only takes 7 days – the expert agrees – because unfortunately at this time we do not yet have full knowledge of the efficacy of the vaccine on the delta variant, and therefore, in my opinion, quarantine is necessary.”

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