Winter Meteor Showers UK 2020 – Amazing meteor showers that you can witness from your garden this winter

Winter Meteor Showers UK 2020 - Amazing meteor showers that you can witness from your garden this winter

Over the next two months, the UK is preparing to see many amazing performances in the sky.

From falling stars to meteors, the sky over Essex will be lit up with many spectacular displays.

Before the end of the year, Taurids, Leonids, Geminids, and Ursids meteor showers All set to light up the sky.

The clear sky would be perfect for some stargazing.

Whether you will be watching the stars from your garden, balcony, or one of Essex’s many open spaces, the displays are designed to be stunning.

Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming meteor showers

Where is the best place to watch the stars?

There are plenty of places to go to see the stars in Essex

Usually the best place to stargaze is one of the UK’s national parks, but with a shutdown not possible.

We’ve all been told to stay home whenever we can, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stare at the stars.

Dark areas are the best places for stargazing due to the low level of light pollution.

If you live in a rural area, you have the best chance of seeing the shower, but those in the cities may still be able to discover it.

The best place to go is in the garden or on the balcony.

The higher the level and the farther away the buildings are, the better.

Meteor showers are easy to see on clear nights, so weather can play a big role in their visibility.

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When are meteor showers?

Stargazing is a peaceful activity
Stargazing is a peaceful activity

The months of November and December are set to see several meteor showers in the sky.

the Bull

Taurids are one of the longest meteor showers we can see.

It got started in October, but there’s still time to see a nice view of it.

This shower is not as frequent as some others, with around 10 meteors spotted per hour, but it does provide some of the most beautiful meteors to watch.

Meteorites move slowly, which means we are more likely to detect them.

They appear when Earth collides with the debris of Comet Encke.

These meteorites are very common, and you may have already seen some of them.

The Taurids are divided into two parts, Southern Taurids, which occur between September 25 and November 25 and northern Taurids, between October 12 and December 2.

Your best chance to spot them is on November 10 and 11 when you are about to peak.


The Leonids are touted as one of the most “prolific” showers of the year, and they are sure to deliver a stunning show.

The meteorites in this shower are fast and bright, moving at an incredible speed of 70 kilometers per second.

This showerhead occurs when Earth collides with debris from Comet Temple Tuttle.

It is named after the constellation it appears from, Leo the Leo.

Meteors, which contain fiery trains, should be visible from the ground on the horizon.

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Leonids can usually be seen between November 15 and 20, and this year it will peak on November 17-18 between midnight and dawn.

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The Geminids will be one of the last major showers of 2020.

It occurs when Earth collides with the debris of the 3200 Phaethon asteroid.

This usually results in meteors that are very bright and fairly fast for you to see.

Geminids are a different type of meteor showers because they originate from asteroid debris.

Because of this, they produce a beautiful shower that is full of color.

You can often see screens full of white, yellow, green, red, and blue caused by minerals like sodium or calcium in the bathroom.

At their peak, Geminids could spawn 100 meteors an hour and were unbelievable to watch.

It’s usually visible between December 14 and 17, and this year it is set to peak on December 14-15.

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Ursids are unlikely to produce many meteors, but those meteors (about a fifth per hour) are amazing to watch.

It produces a beautiful streak of light from debris left by Comet 8P / Tuttle and appears to radiate from the constellation Ursa Minor.

This show is just in time for Christmas, and can add a real sense of magic to the festive period.

It is usually visible between December 17 and 25, and this year it is set to peak between December 21 and 22.

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For the year 2020 there will be a crescent moon which means that there is a greater chance of discovering Ursids.

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