Why Julia Georges ended her career

Why Julia Georges ended her career

JNow, since the days are short and dreams of everyday pleasures are not tolerated anymore, it would be nice to be able to look forward to the next few months. For a few weeks in Australia or New Zealand, I’m still here or on the way there, as almost always in previous years at this time. Christmas with the family usually occurs in short form only in tennis circles, if at all, and corks usually appear on New Year’s Eve at the other end of the world. This time, for a long time, the entourage had no idea when exactly the 2021 season would start, especially the first highlight of the new year, the Australian Open. It’s hard to plan for all of this, as well as so many questions and limitations.

But for Julia Georges, it’s not all about her questions anymore, because she’s out of the game. A little more than two months ago, I wrote a public letter that began with the personal title “Dear Tennis” and ended with a promise: “You will be in my heart forever.” The news came as a surprise after 15 years on the tour of more than 800 games, many of them world-class.

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