Viral story | Bear, the dog that saved more than 100 koalas during fires in Australia | Stories | directions | social networks | Instagram | Facebook | nnda nnrt | the answers

Viral story |  Bear, the dog that saved more than 100 koalas during fires in Australia |  Stories |  directions |  social networks |  Instagram |  Facebook |  nnda nnrt |  the answers

that it “behaviour problems” They caused Bear to be abandoned by his family, but this story has a happy ending. The Australian koolie dog spent time on the streets before being adopted, then became a staple in the hunt and rescue of koalas during the devastating fire in Australia. This is the From Bear: the dog who became a hero and helped save the lives of more than 100 marsupials.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare honored the bear with the “Animal Action” award after he led During bushfires that occurred in Australia between 2019 and 2020, according to the organization.

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Australian reports said that the dog was deployed to the areas it destroyed . With his well-developed sense of smell, he was an essential part in the search and rescue of koalas that were injured and displaced by fire.

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“A bear can recognize the scent of a koala’s fur and when it detects one in a tree, it drops it to the ground at the base without disturbing it. We think he deserves this award because he was so good at helping us find and rescue so many koalas.”And Roman Cristiko, the dog’s guardian, explained, according to RT.

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Bear’s story had very gray episodes. The animal was abandoned by its previous owners, as they were not ready to take on the responsibility that the dog demands of their breed and characteristics, “Excess energy and excessive enthusiasm for the game”.

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However, life would have kept him a happier chapter. He was fortunate to be rescued from the streets and taken to a dog training center at the University of the Sunshine Coast, where he was doing an exceptional job.

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