USA/Africa. The United States of America announces Ambassador David Satterfield as its new Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa

USA/Africa.  The United States of America announces Ambassador David Satterfield as its new Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa

Madrid, 6 (Europe Press)

On Thursday, the US State Department announced the appointment of its ambassador to Turkey, David Satterfield, as its new special envoy for the volatile Horn of Africa once the current president of the post, Jeffrey Feltman, finishes his term.

The announcement came while Feltman was specifically touring a region that, in recent months, has become a source of setbacks for the White House, which has failed to mitigate conflict in Ethiopia and its attempt to salvage a civilian transition of power in Sudan.

In its statement, the State Department stressed that “Ambassador Feltman, appointed early 2021, was expected to remain in office only for less than a year, but the political instability in the Horn of Africa and the interrelated political, security and humanitarian challenges. Agencies facing the region have demanded their continued attention from the United States.” “.

Feltman will continue to work with the State Department in an advisory capacity alongside Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Under Secretary for African Affairs Molly V. “I am deeply grateful to Ambassador Feltman for his tireless efforts to promote peace and prosperity in the Horn of Africa,” Blinken said on his Twitter account.

Satterfield takes the position after four decades of experience in the diplomatic world, in a career that highlights his positions as Ambassador to Lebanon from 1998 to 2001, Under-Secretary for Middle East Affairs from 2017 to 2019, or most recently as Ambassador to Turkey. , from 2019 to 2021.

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