US elections 2020 live: Biden waits despite increasing progress in major states – as Trump renews commitment to legal action | US News

US elections 2020 live: Biden waits despite increasing progress in major states - as Trump renews commitment to legal action |  US News

Analysis: Las Vegas hosts the largest show in the city, but its construction is slow

Written by Stuart Ramsay, Senior Correspondent

Las Vegas, the famous city with its round the clock, is much quieter than usual.

The COVID-19 pandemic has ensured that casinos, shows and hotels are at a fraction of their normal capacity (B).There are still plenty of party-goers and gamblers wandering through its attractive bar in search of action in its many and varied forms.

The Clark County Election Center is located twenty minutes from the bustling city center, surrounded by desert, mountains, and working-class housing.

It may not have any of the magic of Las Vegas but it does host the biggest show in town – the presidential election vote count.

Groups of Trump supporters occasionally wave signs, call for a stop to count, and often dance, somewhat oddly, to the music.

There is an expectation that these smallest undeclared nations will play an active role in choosing the next president.

All sounds exciting, right? not like that! Counting is very slow and is now a meme on social media.

The officials asked for calm and patience. Journalists are so quiet Catatonia.

At 9 AM and 4 PM, they move to welcome the latest data drop.

The last of them was barely 30,000 ballots counted and that took nearly two days – and there are at least 150,000 more ballot papers.

With most of the votes still to be counted in the powerfully democratic Las Vegas region, many are questioning why the networks did not call the score, putting an end to the boredom of reporters abroad and the public waiting to hear.

The truth is that they did not and should not because it may be all over after the count, but the counting is not over.

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