The United Kingdom, with its integrated review, defines its role globally over the next 10 years

The United Kingdom, with its integrated review, defines its role globally over the next 10 years

The so-called integrated review proposes a plan of action through which the UK will seek to meet the changes in the world and which will be crucial in the coming years.Country detailed, foreign policy and national security approaches are highlighted.

“The purpose of this integrated review, the most comprehensive since the Cold War, is to make the United Kingdom stronger, safer and more prosperous while upholding our values,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the British Parliament.

Among the main points of this plan Solve global challenges, invest in science and technology, enhance security, promote free trade, and be a positive force for the world, Among other things.

For his part, the British Foreign Secretary said, Dominic Raab stresses the importance of this plan in promoting every step in this country with a unified feel.

“From our inventors to our entrepreneurs, from our diplomats and aid experts, to our brave armed forces, everyone who participates in the advancement of global Britain shares the common sense that we are part of a common planet,” he said.

  • United kingdom
  • Boris Johnson

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