The United Kingdom begins a new phase of vaccination

A cathedral in the United Kingdom was a temple of grafting

On the verge of reaching its goal of vaccinating 15 million priority people against the Coronavirus, the United Kingdom is launching a new phase of a vaccination campaign targeting people over the age of 65.

The country hardest hit in Europe with nearly 117,000 deaths, the United Kingdom has launched a massive vaccination campaign and Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce on February 22 a “road map” to exit the third lockdown that was put in place in early January, after the emergence of the British variant of the virus.

And the Public Health Authority said in a statement on Sunday that people between the ages of 65 and 69 years who are “clinically at risk” will start vaccination from Monday.

“The immunization program continues at an unprecedented speed,” said Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

“We are in the process of providing vaccination for everyone in the four priority groups,” he added.

“We are determined to maintain and expand the momentum further,” he concluded.

The four groups mentioned – more than 70, front-line healthcare workers, nursing home employees and residents, and the most vulnerable patients – account for 15 million people.

The UK has a population of 66 million.

According to the latest figures released on Friday and published on Saturday, 145,556,827 people received a first dose and 53,4869 a second dose.

The conservative Sunday Telegraph newspaper said the government had reached its goal of providing a vaccine for 14.9 million people on Saturday, a day ahead of schedule.

spe / ia / zm / pc

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