The Tower of London is losing a crow

The Tower of London is losing a crow

Londoners have lost a crow. However, what appears at first glance as a harmless message could be a fatal sign of the island’s ownership.

The Tower of London lost one of its original crows. Legend has it that the UK is one step closer to its downfall.

“Our beloved crow, Merlena, has not been seen in the tower for several weeks and her constant absence leads us to believe that she unfortunately passed away,” the Tower of London team shared
Twitter With. “We now have seven crows here in the tower – one more than the necessary six,” she said.

Legend has it that the UK collapses when crows – a group of at least six birds – leave the iconic landmark. “If the crows get lost in the Tower of London or fly away, the crown will fall – and Great Britain with it” – so says the ancient superstition.

The Zodiac team now hopes that their crow breeding program will soon succeed and that a frightening demise – despite the pandemic and the chaos of Brexit – can still be avoided.

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