The Strasbourg earthquake was also felt in the Rottweil region

The Strasbourg earthquake was also felt in the Rottweil region

The earthquake shook Strasbourg at around 7:30 p.m. Friday – and it seemed that it was still far from being felt. As reported by, users reported from places in the Ortenau region, but also outside of it. Accordingly, the earthquake was also felt by residents in the cities of Horb, Rottweil and Rottlingen, which are sometimes more than 100 km from the epicenter. In some rooms the home community is shocked.

An earthquake was reported in the Sofilwirsheim region near Strasbourg on Friday evening. The Swiss Seismic Service It is reported to have a power of 3.6, and Earthquake Service in the Southwest With 3.5. to me It’s a series of earthquakes at a geothermal power plant near Strasbourg.

In rooms near Rottweil, according to readers, it can be felt – and vividly. One reader says: “Everything shook and shook for a few seconds, frightened us to death.” The four parties in the house immediately informed each other that it was “terrifying and strong.” You can also hear the glasses click.

Online There are messages like: “Rottweil, apartment block, fourth floor, sudden violent shaking of the entire building” and: “Rottweil, lying on the sofa. The sofa shook. My closet was making a vibrating noise. Duration approx 2-3 seconds. No damage, nothing fell (Intensity IV) “

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