The Red Team easily takes a Red-White fight 103-67

The Red Team easily takes a Red-White fight 103-67

Written by: Seth Campbell

Publication date: Thursday 12 November 2020

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Final | Red 103 White 67

JD Notae switches teams in the first half and 7/11 drops 3-pointers in the second half and Red takes this match with ease.

More to come; Check back later for the story of the game.

4:00 fourth quarter | Red 91 white 57

JD Notae starts the quarter hard. Go 4/5 from behind the arc to extend the leadership of the red team. He now has 21 points, drawn to lead the team with Moussa Moody and Justin Smith.

10:00 fourth quarter | Red 72 white 53

Jaylen Williams switched to the white team.

Vance Jacques turned into the red team.

I think these are the only two changes from the first half.

Desi Sills got one with Connor Vanover on baseline twice. One of them resulted in a layup, the other a foul. Two good steps from Sills.

The 11-2 lead ahead of the midpoint in the third quarter opened things up for the Reds.

Brief notes, Justin Smith’s move from Indiana will be an essential part of the Razorbacks crime. Desi Sills is still as smart and tough as ever and as I said earlier, Moses Moody will be a problem this year.

Moody has 18 points, while Smith has 19. Another eight minutes to play in melee.

Half | 41 red white 31

The two teams combined to release 30 three-pointers, making nine of them.

Something different this year too is that Hogs play full-on court area defense sometimes. Something that didn’t happen last year due to a lack of depth.

Eric Musselman told us before the match that the two teams would change in the first half, so we have to see who each team wants when they come back in the second half.

10:00 second quarter | Red 38 white 29

Red began to pour it over the white team early in the half, but the Whites went 9-0 to bring things closer.

Justin Smith comes up with a gentle spinning motion at the top of the switch and plunges into ball mode. Notae answers with a gentle, triple move. A good ball move from the red team as a high-low pass from Jaylene Williams gets Smith’s corner kick.

Moussa Modi will be a problem for people this year. More than one defender went up in the white team to score a rebound.

There were two errors in this quarter’s alley plus one for each team. Henderson cleared one home for the white team and Vanover flooded a home for the red team.

10:00 second quarter | Red 17 white 14

Desi Sales scored five points since the end of the first half, placing a corner kick and three. Calin Robinson with a great white team show. He adds another four points to give him seven points.

3:34 first quarter | Red 10 white 6

Moses Modi was all for the early red team. He has three baskets and six points. Jalen Tate and Desi Sills added to the Red Team score with ball passes. All points for the white team came from behind the arc. JD Notae and Khallen Robinson each reached three. Robinson is well contested, but he still drops it. He fired Notae five times for the white team to make only one of those baskets.

Dunk competition

The competition consists of two rounds. Each contestant will participate in both rounds. The competitors are Moses Moody, Ethan Henderson, Davont Davis and Justin Smith.

Davonte Davis wins the dunk competition. It was a close call between him and Justin Smith, but I think Davis’s two presses were better than Smith’s.

Starting formations


Desi Sales

Musa Modi

Galen Tate

Justin Smith

Jaylen Williams


JD Notes

Davonti Davis

Calin Robinson

Vance Jackson

Ethan Henderson

Before the match

Students are applying to participate in their first indoor basketball event at Bud Walton Stadium since March 4. Things will look a little different this year, but it is a good idea to get basketball back.

If you want to watch the game, it is available on SEC Network-Plus. Players have been wearing t-shirts for warm-ups, a nice tribute to some of the former Razorbacks.

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