The NFL is committing $ 250 million over the next 10 years to help fight systemic racism

The NFL is committing $ 250 million over the next 10 years to help fight systemic racism

“The NFL and our clubs will continue to work with NFL players to support programs to address criminal reform, police reform, and economic and educational progress.”

The NFL also said it would also use its television network and other media features to raise awareness, promote “education on social justice issues” and to “promote unity.”

“We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong not to listen to NFL players before and encourage everyone to speak out and protest peacefully. We, the National Football League, believe black lives are important,” Goodell said.

His statement followed in response to the “Stronger Together” video, which featured several black NFL players asking the league to take a strong stance after George Floyd’s death.

Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died at the hands of Minneapolis police in May. After a video of his death erupted, he sparked protests around the world demanding justice for Floyd and an end to police brutality.

There are several senior professional athletes on Wednesday – including NFL odds Tom Brady and Drew Brees – sent a letter to Congress calling for the cessation of qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that athletes say protects law enforcement from liability.

The bill was passed by MPs Justin Amash and Ayanna Pressley, who say it will help restore public confidence in government and law enforcement and ensure that whenever citizens’ constitutional rights are violated, they will go to court. .

CNN’s Jill Martin, Chloe Melas and David Close contributed to this report.

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