The Naked Minister in Parliament Zoom Cole ..! The leader of the opposition says body shape is good .. !! | Canadian MP appears naked in Parliament

The Naked Minister in Parliament Zoom Cole ..!  The leader of the opposition says body shape is good .. !!  |  Canadian MP appears naked in Parliament

In Canada, a lawmaker was shocked when he was spotted completely naked in a parliamentary tanning call. The legislator appeared completely naked during a phone call to the House of Commons, immediately recovered from the mistake and apologized to his colleagues.

William Amos, a liberal MP, appeared in front of a laptop camera during a virtual session. But he immediately realized his mistake and apologized. About this mistake in his office, “I made a huge mistake.” The 46-year-old lawmaker tweeted.

My laptop camera was turned on while I was switching to work clothes. I didn’t really care. I sincerely apologize to all of my colleagues for this. This is what really happened. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.

The Question Clock is running in a virtual session at the time of the event. There is no need for a minister to answer in that session at this time. However, if he had wanted to change to a business dress, he would have violated the House of Commons guide.

According to the “Rules of Order and Decoration” section, dress code is not required for discussion. But the male speakers wear contemporary business attire such as shirt, jacket and tie.

However, this error, which occurred in that order, only appeared in an internal summary of the House of Commons. Sadly, Canadian people could not see how their minister appeared in Christmas dress due to his lack of public nutrition.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who leads the liberal Amos party, has not commented on the incident yet. But opposition leader Webb Claude Depelfolle raised the issue. He recalled that the responsible members representing legislative assemblies must always be fully covered.

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“Men should remember the importance of wearing a tie, jacket, shirt, boxer shorts or trousers,” she told Canadian media in French.

We saw that it was in good condition. But before the camera appears, members must be reminded again that they need to be very careful about the things that control the camera.

Last update April 16, 2021 12:48 PM IST

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