The Korean Prime Minister introduced “Club House” as an excellent app. Because it makes communication with the NACC easier – new news

The Korean Prime Minister introduced “Club House” as an excellent app.  Because it makes communication with the NACC easier - new news

The Korean Prime Minister introduced “Club House” as an excellent app. Because it makes it easy to communicate with the NACC

Popular applications Club House Where people play around the house, all over town, be it a star, singer or politician, which is a pity that Prime Minister General Prayut Chan or Cha worked so hard, and there was no time to play.Mr. Cheung Se Kyun South Korean Prime Minister said Club House This is a good way to get information and connect with people.

Mr. Cheung Se Kyun The club account was officially opened on February 14th. And local media reported that he spent some time talking to other members of the KDP. There were discussions among people for about an hour on a variety of issues, from material rights to real estate prices.

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“I was a bit shocked by the unexpected question and reaction. But this new experience is fun. I think I’ll be participating from time to time in the future.” Mr. Cheung Se Kyung added that Club House It is an open app that anyone can chat with without being overbooked. So it is a better communication tool than any other social media platform. Especially nowadays when we don’t have to speak face to face, Mr. Cheong Se-kyun has become the first government leader in the world to use the app. Club House

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