The end of the year pays travel in the United States

The end of the year pays travel in the United States

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) From the United States mentioned that In six of the past 10 days, more than one million passengers were transported daily at all the country’s airportsDespite recommendations to stay home.

According to the agency, Since December 18, more than 10 million people have traveled by airThose days 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27 and 28 of December are those that cross the million mark. On December 27, 1.28 million passengers traveled.

Despite signs of recovery, the number of travelers is showing a significant decrease compared to the previous year, when the numbers exceeded, on average, 2 million people per day; In this sense, experts say so It will not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024.

Over the year, airlines lose nearly $ 40 billion in pre-tax revenue; In response, the US government approved aid in which companies received $ 25 billion to shore up their debts and avoid mass layoffs.

After the subsidy period ended last September, the lines opted for mass layoffs in order to save, so the Donald Trump administration approved again a $ 15 billion package.

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