The coronation of the Finnish National Opera Studio Valencia VITAMIN

The coronation of the Finnish National Opera Studio Valencia VITAMIN

Valencia. to Open Call: Assembly X Opera Beyond, Valencian study vitamin Selected as the winner of Assembly Creative Tech’21 event on November 5th.

Vitamin is a creative studio consisting of designers, artists, producers, programmers and engineers based in Valencia, Spain. Its main goal is to blend art and technology to explore new areas and create unique artistic experiences.

the Finnish National Opera Together with the Digital Gathering Cultural Festival, they invited artists in March to create creative technical concepts that take live entertainment to new dimensions. It was a call to reinvent the traditional experience of opera in the digital age.

The competition culminated in an association festival where Vitamin and 3 other contestants from around the world were invited to the Finnish National Opera to present their ideas and give a demo of their vision to the judges.

Vitamin ranked first with the disorder of violets. The rulers presided over the rulers, Lily Pacevi, creative director of CircOpera, Jerry Erquilla, director of production at CircOpera, Miko Linafuriand lighting and projection designer for CircOpera and Anastina Habasari, project manager.

The event was held at the Finnish Opera’s prestigious black box, Alme Hall. While the venue could easily give the event a sense of celebration, the house and staff at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet (FNOB) were very welcoming and a crowd of holographic and amateurs Opera Beyond They mingled easily all night.

In addition to a prize money, Vitamin will collaborate with Cercopyra For its premiere in fall 2022 on the main stage of the Finnish National Opera. with Violet disorder, Vitamin will have the opportunity to realize your winning proposal.

The show concept is an experience that blends opera, circus and immersive technology. The stage show will combine acrobats, jugglers, and other traditional circus performers with multiple operatic melodies. This new work will be very exciting and exciting to watch.

For the project, making vitamin The untouched, an interactive show that uses a transparent screen, 3D mapping, and real-time visuals to create an out-of-this-world display that transforms the waves of motion generated by the dancers into 2D and 3D images. In this way, the energy of music and dance will create bold and dynamic scenes which, when combined with other creative elements of the show, will provide the viewer with a truly unique experience.

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