The collapse of the Trump pandemic is now directly affecting his campaign

The collapse of the Trump pandemic is now directly affecting his campaign

The test results cast Trump’s risky decision to pursue a closed-door rally that doctors fear will turn into a contagious super-spread event in an even worse light. They also show how the virus – which is marching through southern and western states despite Trump’s insistence that the U.S. has already “prevailed” in the fight – has a catastrophic impact on the “Great American Return” narrative at the heart of its re-election.

Far from mitigating the political damage caused by the virus, Trump continues to make it worse. On Monday, he gave new life to the controversy caused by his remark on Saturday that he told his staff to slow down virus testing to avoid detecting new cases, which in itself reflected his negligence in responding to the pandemic that has now killed more than 120,000 Americans.

Trump, who described his remark as a “semi-literal language in the cheek,” went on to claim that the problem in the United States is not that the virus is so prevalent, but that testing reveals how deep it has penetrated the community.

“Instead of 25 million tests, let’s say we did 10 million tests, we would seem to do a lot better because we would have far fewer cases. You see that. I wouldn’t do that, but I’ll say this: ee we do a lot more than other countries, that’s us in a way it seems bad, but we’re actually doing it right, ”Trump said.

The comments appear to be triggering another political storm that will further complicate attempts by the president’s election team to withdraw after Saturday’s embarrassment. The campaign team is now considering fewer places for Trump’s events – a move that would surely bite the commander’s ego or outside locations where fans could feel more comfortable.

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Restrictions on the campaign would be unbearable for any president seeking re-election. For Trump, such concealment of his style would be even worse, given the centrality of his large rallies in his political id and the morally strong role they fulfill for a president who is an outsider in Washington.

Strong base

There is no doubt that the president is firmly holding on to Republican voters – the GOP senator’s unwillingness to resent him for his latest racist comment– when a coronavirus he called from China called “kung flu” – proof that.

And Fox News said Trump’s return to the track ensured his largest television audience on Saturday night, suggesting that while some Trump fans may have been concerned about the virus, their absence from Tulsa did not reduce to diminished enthusiasm.

Trump has always defied political seriousness – and the effect of months of orders and locks makes it even harder for political analysts to make a solid assessment of how much country is now looking at the president.

But the controversy of the rally points to more fundamental political challenges Trump faces as he follows former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden in polls and the virus is exacerbating nearly half the country.
Look at the Trump and Biden election on their heads

The event on Saturday night was supposed to send a signal that the worst threat of a pandemic had expired and that America was on its way back. Instead, it suggested that even Trump supporters who chose not to appear in a closed event that carries a risk of infection may still not believe the underlying message of their hero’s campaign.

With every chance of thousands of Americans dying before election day, Trump must face the prospect of his denial and mismanagement of a pandemic that left the country sickly prepared for a deadly public health crisis becoming a cornerstone that his campaign may never be able to shake. switched off.

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Search the attack

The president’s response to the miserable 48 hours was typical – a general attack. His targeting of Biden and the Democrats, showing his furious persistence in a way that also hinted at concern in his inner circle.

Trump has dismissed on Twitter a series of harsh claims – which in fact have no basis – that postal voting that many states are considering will lead to mass fraud and foreign interference in the November elections.

The president’s team followed with a new offensive on Biden’s health and mental abilities. They argued that the former vice president’s decision to stick to the convention and only sign up for three official presidential debates in the fall – rather than the additional meetings Trump is demanding – shows the former vice president has fears about taking over the president. The tactic has been a return to efforts to define Biden as incapable of performing the duties of president – this does not seem to work if a battlefield situation poll is to continue.

Trump has also returned to a safe place he often returns to when he is in political trouble – a tough immigration policy, signing an executive order that further restricts legal immigration.

Trump will head to Arizona on Tuesday to tour part of his border wall that was so important to his appeal to conservative base supporters in his first campaign for the presidential election.

The president’s actions were all aggressive fevers that might appeal to his sharpest supporters. Taken together with Saturday’s election campaign rally that contained terrifying diversions, lavish boasting, occasional racism and misinformation, it was hard to see how they would please waving voters who don’t belong to Trump’s base.
The trip to Arizona – although it will provide food for Trump’s conservative cheering section – will surely be overshadowed by the state’s increasingly intense fight against the virus. The Grand Canyon State was among the 10 other states that largely conquered Trump, which saw the highest seven-day average of daily new coronavirus cases on June 21, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

While the president is out of town, two of his top public health executives, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, and the government’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, will testify before the House committee on the increasingly serious situation in many states.

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Trump will try to put embarrassing scenes on Saturday night behind him when he addresses the “Students for Trump” event in Arizona.

Attendees said they wear face masks to the event, but will not have to force them.

Democrats are already trying to take advantage of Trump’s remark about the slowdown in testing in Oklahoma, portraying it as a symbol of poor management of an attempt to fight the virus that caused the economy to shut down.

“Two nights ago in his diabetes he said to stop testing because the numbers are increasing … I mean, my God,” Biden said at the fundraising event, according to a report from the pool on Monday.

CNN’s Kevin Liptak and Kaitlan Collins contributed to this report.

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