The Chinese Long March 4B missile explodes and crashes in the city

The Chinese Long March 4B missile explodes and crashes in

China’s Long March 4B Accelerated Missile explodes in a huge cloud of orange smoke after colliding with a nearby town and losing a school

  • China launched a Long March 4B satellite carrying a satellite into orbit on Monday
  • Shortly after launch, the booster was seen falling to the ground
  • The crane veered off course and headed towards a nearby town
  • Just missing a school, the vehicle crashed and exploded in a huge cloud

China launched its Long March 4B missile on Monday, sending an Earth observation satellite into orbit – but the return of the booster was not successful.

Footage released after the launch shows the boosted missile crashing to the ground, missing the school, before crashing and detonating in a nearby town.

The terrifying scene was captured near Lilong Village, Gaoiao Town in Lunan County, Shaanxi Province, and the video appeared on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

The booster was seen falling rapidly from space, with pedestrians screaming in the background after realizing that it had traveled off the track and was heading towards a school.

China launched its Long March 4B missile on Monday, sending an Earth observation satellite into orbit – but the return of the booster was not successful. Footage released after the launch shows the booster missile crashing to the ground, missing the school, before crashing and exploding in a nearby town.

China launched its remote sensing satellite, named Gaofen-11 (2), Monday morning, which will be used for land census, urban planning, road network design, crop estimation and disaster prevention. mentioned.

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The satellite joins China’s high-precision Earth observation system, which started in 2010 and launched the first device in 2013.

China has kept a tight cover over its satellite constellation, but the first Gaofen 11 footage in 2018 and earlier footage indicate that these specific technologies are part of a larger aperture telescope used to observe the Earth.

Although the Gaofen-11 (2) made its way into orbit, the Long Marc 4B missile booster he carried there had difficulty returning home.

The terrifying scene was captured near Lilong Village, Gaoiao Town in Lunan County, Shaanxi Province, and the video appeared on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

The terrifying scene was captured near Lilong Village, Gaoiao Town in Lunan County, Shaanxi Province, and the video appeared on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

The footage appeared shortly after the failed booster was fired, which instantly exploded into a huge orange cloud after landing.

It shows the augmented video away and watches passers-by, who start screaming as soon as they see him heading towards a nearby school.

The clip then shows a view from inside the city, with a huge orange and yellow cloud in the background – and thankfully missed school.

Although no reports of infections have surfaced, the first stage of Long March 4B is stained with a toxic mixture of hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide that can cause serious health problems for those dealing with concoction.

The footage appeared shortly after the failed booster was fired, which instantly exploded into a huge orange cloud after landing in a crash.

The missile exploded to pieces as soon as it hit the neighboring town

The footage appeared shortly after the failed booster was fired, which instantly exploded into a huge orange cloud after landing in a crash.

Although this launch was not entirely successful, China completed a separate one on Friday which took off without any problems.

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The country launched a reusable experimental spacecraft aboard the Long March 2-F carrier into orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia, northwest China, Xinhua reported, without specifying the launch time.

No photos of the spacecraft or its takeoff have yet been published. According to reports, staff and visitors at the launch site were prevented from photographing the project or discussing the project online.

Xinhua said the reusable experimental spacecraft is currently in orbit and is testing “reusable technologies in flight, providing technological support for the peaceful use of space.”

It is scheduled to return to a Chinese landing site at an unspecified date.

1 thought on “The Chinese Long March 4B missile explodes and crashes in the city

  1. Unfortunately it did not come down on Xi’s head
    It might have lit up the sky with colors too.

    God has no use for those who dictate and kill innocent people just to bolster their position in their society and name
    Neither have i any use for his uselessness, He’s as bad as Trudeau !

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