The announcer canceled an interview with Donald Trump’s favorite station

The right-wing US channel Newsmax wants to interview an enthusiastic supporter of Trump. When he publishes his conspiracy theories, it becomes too much for a supervisor. The corresponding break has a history.
Newsmax is one of the TV channels Donald Trump Recommend his followers because his former home mailer Fox News I became very critical. The Conspiracy theoriesThat a Trump supporter ditched there in an interview was too much even for a moderator.
Newsmax spokesperson Bob Sellers unofficially cut an interview with businessman Mike Lindell. The show’s producers asked, “Can we get out of here, please,” and then walked himself off the set. A video clip from the interview that got out of hand received millions of Twitter clicks.
Newsmax was already having trouble with Dominion
In fact, Lendl was supposed to talk about banning his Twitter accounts. There he previously published conspiracy theories about the US elections. Lendl also appeared repeatedly at presidential rallies for a president who left office about two weeks ago.
At Newsmax, the now linked Lindel has also sided with Trump and has begun – barely speaking – of allegations against voting machine manufacturer Dominion. Then the middleman cut it off. Regarding the allegations of election fraud, which Trump himself said after his defeat, “We were not able in Newsmax to confirm these kinds of allegations.” Joe Biden mushroom.
When that didn’t stop a Trump supporter, Sellers read a statement in which the broadcaster distanced himself from the fraud allegations in the US election. Meanwhile, Lendl continued speaking to the moderator in the background – until he angrily stepped out of the picture. Sellers said he doesn’t want to take it any further before he leaves his co-host alone with the guest.
Voting machine manufacturer Dominion, conservative Newsmax anchor, has threatened lawsuits over unfounded fraud allegations. So the broadcaster had to read a clarification in December that the broadcaster had found no evidence of the allegations.
Trump repeatedly referred to conspiracy theories on Twitter that a program from Dominion attributed votes cast in several states to Biden. Not only has the company been involved, but the allegations have also been repeatedly dismissed as false by election authorities – which has not stopped Trump and his team from publicizing them further.
So Dominion was Trump’s last lawyer in his fight against the election, Rudy Giuliani And Sydney Powell, each filed a $ 1.3 billion compensation claim.