Tearing the Edges is already the most watched Netflix series in Italy. It even surpassed Squid

Tearing the Edges is already the most watched Netflix series in Italy.  It even surpassed Squid

His most famous and effective phrases conquer Instagram. On Twitter, however, the hashtag #strapparelungoibordi is opening up the trend topic for this week. And perhaps it is the phrases in the Romanian dialect that will make you laugh and contemplate at the same time that the success of the cartoonist series Zerocalcare, which premiered on Netflix last November 17, lies. Already number one in Italy in the ranking of the most viewed content. To overcome not only the super squid game (Day 5) but also the highly anticipated new episodes of Narcos (in second place).

Zerocalcare’s straightforward, honest work has quickly won the hearts of Netflix subscribers. The first animated series that ended up in the Netflix trends, surpassed it in a few days red noticeActor’s latest movie, The Rock e mysteriousAn animated series based on a video game Legend University.

Even if the exact numbers for the ratings are unknown, Cut along the edges It is the first animated series produced in Italy to end up among the Netflix trends. Filmed by a studio in Florence, DogHead Animation, which specializes in 2D products, in 2020 produced several hits: video animation blun7 swissland and the Video by heart holiday, French song sung by Mica and Soprano.

At the heart of the series, Zerocalcare’s journey with two historical friends, Sarah and Secco, interrupts flashbacks and life stories. From the early years of school through high school to back to the present: a look back into the life of a Romanian cartoonist who, for the first time in television series form, attempts to make the veil of distance fall between spectator and man. the hero of the story. A success that also seems to be expected abroad with the hashtag #Tearalongthedottedline on Twitter.

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