tayyar.org – Urgent – Confrontations continue in Tripoli, security forces warn rioters: They are forced to defend our centers by all legitimate means

tayyar.org - Urgent - Confrontations continue in Tripoli, security forces warn rioters: They are forced to defend our centers by all legitimate means

The Internal Security Forces announced that, “After the demonstrators persisted in riots, breaching the main door of the Serail in Tripoli, trying to enter from more than one side, throwing Molotov cocktails at the officers, burning and damaging a number of vehicles, we ask them to withdraw immediately and not enter the Serail for their safety because we are forced to defend Our centers are by all legitimate means

Confrontations are still ongoing between the security forces and a number of rioters in the vicinity of the Serail, who intentionally set fire to a number of cars that were parked in the vicinity of the Serail.

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