Spelling videos after a flood in Australia: Spider’s end! The country was covered in huge nets

Spelling videos after a flood in Australia: Spider's end!  The country was covered in huge nets

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The BBC quoted Ken Walker, curator of entomology at the State Museum of Victoria, as saying that millions of spiders appeared to have released fibers into the trees. “Spiders that live on the ground need to get up very quickly. Fibers attach to plants and can escape from behind.” Walker said. In the plots located along some roads, such low plants and trees were covered with large nets. Local City Councilwoman Caroline Crossley said she went to the lake to check flood damage and was stunned by the nets. She’s seen it before, but it’s never been so extensive.

“It wasn’t scary, it was beautiful. Everything was covered in a beautiful spider web, and it was on trees and fences. The sun was setting and the light was nice, so you can see the nets swaying over the whole country.” announced. According to her, it was as if the earth under one blanket was teeming with spiders. “The fact that the web was not broken means that the spiders somehow collaborated in creating this wonderful landscape art installation.” She added.

Another resident, Victoria Amanda Traeger, said her family initially thought someone might have stretched their way to the safety net. “I’ve seen it before, but this one was amazing,” She said. Victoria has been hit by torrential rain in recent days, causing flash floods and damage. Two people died in cars, the authorities described the situation as a disaster, and without electricity there are still several hundred homes.

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