Spanish Karate values ​​leave their mark in Finland

César Martínez posando en tierras finlandesas

The Spanish karate team, with Cesar Martinez of Palma as in charge of the men’s kumite style sub21 class, signed a superb performance in Tampere (Finland), during the 48 European Cadet Championship, Junior and Under 21 years old. A total of six medals were achieved by the national competitors

It was a particularly difficult tournament, but those selected knew how to handle the situation to reach the podium at one of the most important continental events in the 2021 sporting calendar. Cesar Martinez, the head coach of the Kumite Sub21, is part of a crew with Cadet and Junior coaches, Angel Luis Chaves and Matias Gomez, and the women’s team coach, Obdulia Martínez, as well as kata coaches Pepe Carbonell and Lorenzo Marin from Malaga.

Leave the distribution of two gold medals thanks Paula Garcia, just as his sister Marta Garcia would have achieved last year, and Alejandro Catalan, both in the individual kata method. And four bronze medals were added to them, two of them in the individual kata method, Raul Martin And Andalusian Sabrina SavoyAnd two in kumite, the first thing that Andalusian achieved Zsamoran shotWho is on the podium for the second and second year of the Andalusian Karate Fighter Sophia Greens.

great level

During the days, a high level of karate can be enjoyed, appreciated by all the technicians who accompanied the athletes. Antonio Moreno Marquinho, President of the Karate Football Federation, highlighted “the hard work of all the Spanish karate men in their progress from round to round, many of whom are on the verge of reaching the semi-finals”.

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As head of the technical team, he accompanied the athletes Jose Maria de Dios, technical director of the federation, as well as The coach of the national team for the male absolute class, Madrid Arganda del Rey Ivan Lille, who wanted to be close to the younger classes and keep track of the athletes with a view to working with them in the future and thus nurturing the senior class. Similarly, refereeing director Juan Antonio Velasco was at the helm of the Spanish arbitration team, with two referees, Andalusian Diego Trinado and Astorian Rodolfo Suarez.

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