Sony is fixing some PS5 launch games at £ 70 •

Sony is fixing some PS5 launch games at £ 70 •

Sony has confirmed UK pricing for the PlayStation 5 launch kit – and some games cost £ 70.

Demon’s Souls, Destruction AllStars, and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition cost £ 69.99.

Meanwhile, Sackboy A Big Adventure costs £ 59.99, and Marvel’s Spider-Man Standard Edition: Miles Morales costs £ 51.99.

The cost of next-generation games is a hot topic in the industry, with some publishers indicating their intent to raise prices as development costs increase.

Just this week, Take-Two president Strauss Zelnick defended his company’s decision to raise the price of 2K basketball for the next generation. In an interview with protocol“The bottom line is that we haven’t seen a price increase on the front lines in nearly 15 years, and production costs have gone up by 200-300 percent,” Zelnick said.

“ But most importantly, since no one really cares about your production costs, it has completely changed what consumers can do with the product.

“We offer a much bigger game for $ 60 or $ 70 than we did for $ 60 10 years ago. The opportunity to spend money online is completely optional, not a free game. It’s a complete and incredibly powerful experience even if you don’t spend another penny after the initial purchase.”

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Meanwhile, Sony announced the UK price for its DualSense Wireless Controller: £ 59.99. The Pulse 3D Wireless Speaker is £ 89.99. The PS5 HD Camera costs £ 49.99. A media remote control costs £ 24.99. The DualSense Charging Station, which charges two DualSense wireless controllers, costs £ 24.99.

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