Silver medalist at the World Cup in Prague: The Duke of Leipzig is the best German racket

Prague. Tokyo player Andrea Herzog is on his way to Tokyo a few days before the World Cup at home in Markkleeberg and six weeks before the Olympics. At the Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague, the 21-year-old from Leipzig finished second behind Jessica Fox (Australia) in the canoe and is thus the only DKV race medalist. “I’m glad everything went well. The road was tough – mentally and physically. So I was really excited before the semi-finals. The race gives me a lot of self-confidence for Tokyo.” At Markkleeberg, too, she would like to show a nice, focused run again.
In contrast, the three Germans missed the men’s boat finals – including Olympic starter Sideris Tasiades now three times. The 31-year-old obviously missed the final when he was 27th, but the reason was a missed goal, so there’s no weakness in form. “I don’t need to talk about it, it was my driving mistake,” said the Augsburg native. Otherwise it was a very good run. The base speed is correct. LKC Leipzig Franz Anton and Lenard Töcherer missed the final three times each.
Anton couldn’t find his streak and ended up in 25th. Whitewater in Prague actually isn’t too difficult, “But the road here was tough. I just didn’t get it front to back and slipped a few times. Today the three of us got it wrong”, So summed up the 31-year-old.
He has big plans for Markkleeberg and doesn’t just want to build on his third place in 2019. “I definitely want to improve on that result – so paddle one or two,” he says with a smile. For the 22-year-old cloth cutter, things went better at first, but in the final third he lost a lot of time and came only 24th. “Unfortunately, I lost strength a bit in the end. However, I am getting closer and closer to others through my performance.” As an experiment, learn to remain calm in the future despite being affected and not to become overheated. “The roads can be very difficult every now and then,” he said with a laugh.
Third German rower Nellie Payne from Leipzig was unable to qualify for the semi-finals. The 21-year-old was inferior to her fellow competitors in the replay. You should have rowed in the top ten in the second round. For them, it was important to gain experience in an international competition in which the entire world elite gathered. “The World Cup was my first international competition in the performance category and at the same time the first in a long time. I would have liked to start in the semi-finals, but I am not unhappy with my performance. For me, it means above all gaining experience and learning for the rest of the season.”
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