Signature generators for emails: professional and personal signature

Signature generators for emails: professional and personal signature

Through the websites that we will see, we can create signatures of different types and with different designs, where we will give more importance to the name if we want, to the image, to the logo of our company and we can even put that main thing is our social networks. This means that we have many possibilities until we finally get the signatures we have always wanted.

My signature

This is one of the most popular websites for this kind of job. It is a tool that targets all types of people, whether on the private level or if they want to register for the job.

One of the most interesting things, apart from 11 different templates What we can use to create our signature, is that we can integrate the area of ​​responsibility, whether it is confidential, environmental or personal, that is, we can configure it to be covered better, especially with regard to work.

It is an ideal website to set up our company, as everything is fine Very easy to use. All we have to do is choose the template that we prefer the most and modify it with our data or images, so that it looks as close as possible to the template we really want. It is important to say that we can Modify specific template parameters Just in case we disagree with all of this.


This tool for Design signatures As for e-mail, it is very complete and we will have many interesting options to create the one that we like the most. We’ll use any of Multiple templates You have at our disposal the ability to change colors and fonts, arrange data and images, add new fields, delete existing ones, and much more. The truth is, one of the things we love most about is the amount of customization capabilities it provides us, and the ability to tailor each template to each person’s taste.

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We can run with it on Free version Then there are the premium versions that increase the powers the web already has. Some of these options are unambiguously intended for companies.



In this case, we have the possibility to create our signatures thanks 6 templates They put it at our disposal. We can adjust colors, change between different sources, and transfer some other elements. It’s not one of the websites that will give us the most possibilities, but the good thing about it is that No registration required So that works and it is very easy to create every signature. Plus, once created, we just have to copy and paste it to transfer it to our email tool or to the same email right away.



Another alternative we offer you to email signatures is MySigMail, which is a tool that allows us to do this Offers 5 templates, Which we can customize so that it is as close as possible to what we want. In addition to different fonts, colors or images, we can also add icons through our social networks and we can also put a Link to a specific download, Like a mobile app, for example. There is a Pro version, for a fee, with which we can get additional individual faculty.

Wise Stamp

Wise Stamp

In this case, we have a signature generator of more than one 50 blocks Various to choose from and with the possibility to place them Social media, Like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube or Pinterest, among many others, since we have a large amount of possibilities, Over 40.

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the operation Really simple-Easy to learn to handle the possibility of modifying the molds to suit our tastes and needs. We missed nothing to get the signature we always wanted in our email. If we choose the Pro version, which costs $ 5.80 per month, we will get some other features like the ability to create animated signatures or have so-called premium templates.

The Honey Book

The Honey Book

This site that is able to create signatures for our emails is somewhat more geared towards professionals, freelancers or companies. Have 8 different templates We can use it. Social networks can be integrated like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube. In addition to all this, the templates are not static, so we can modify and adapt them for us. The Simplicity is the basis of this websiteBecause once we complete the information they ask for from us, we are almost done signing. Obviously we have to give it a personal touch, but the truth is that within a few minutes we can have a signature ready to be emailed to whoever we want.

free work

free work

In this generator we have signature Various templates From it we can add social networks, company policies (if needed), phrase we want to appear, and even a logo or image. Templates can be modified, but we have to tell you here We cannot wait for modern designsBecause what we found is somewhat classic. Of course, it allows us to modify enough to be able to feel as comfortable as possible with the signature we are creating. In terms of the interface, I tell you that it’s not the simplest we’ve seen, but it’s easy enough that we don’t have a single problem.

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With all the sites we’ve seen, we can get the signature we’ve always wanted for our emails, with little effort and with a lot of different possibilities, because each site offers us very good designs.

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