Shark warning: A man killed by a shark in Australia

Shark warning: A man killed by a shark in Australia

A shark kills a man in the sea off the Australian city of Gold Coast. Queensland Rescue Service spokesman Darren Brown said on Tuesday that the attack was brought to Greenmount Beach by surfers who were seriously injured. Then the paramedics have decided the man’s death. Details about the shark were not available at first.

Gold Coast: Second deadly shark attack since 1962

This is the second deadly shark attack along the Gold Coast since protective nets were installed in 1962. The nets were installed parallel to the beaches, but sharks can swim under or around their ends. A 2017 Senate investigation found that Queensland nets do more harm than good. A Senate committee argued, through the net, that beachgoers mistakenly believed they were safe. Protected animals such as whales and turtles can also get stuck and die.

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