Record low temperatures in Brevin, Switzerland, -44 ° C OK?

Record low temperatures in Brevin, Switzerland, -44 ° C OK?
Glattab weather station, on the outskirts of the canton Schwyz. [Urs Flueeler – Keystone]

The weather was very cold all night from Saturday to Sunday in Switzerland, February 13-14, 2021. Mercury plummeted to -44 ° C shortly before 4 a.m. in Glattaleb, in the canton of Schwyz., But The measurement was performed under the ice sheet and not 2 meters from the ground, and was not homogeneous.

Despite the Siberian temperatures recorded in Glattalp, a mountain pasture located at an altitude of about 1900 meters at the foot of the Motatal River, on the borders of the cantons of Schwyz, Glarus and Uri, The official Swiss record is still -41.8 ° C at La Brévine (NE) in 1987.

The data will not be approved

Failure to accept the registration due to The measurement site in Schwyz is far from any house and that the measurement took place under the ice sheet and not two meters above the ground. As required by the official measurement standards.

Samedan (GR) baja a -30 ° C

Other particularly low temperatures were observed on Sunday morning. At Samedan (1721 CE), in Graubünden, the mercury was -30.5 ° C.

The temperature reached -30 ° C on Sunday morning in Samedan. [Meteosuisse]

In French-speaking Switzerland, La Brevin (1042 m) was still frozen on a Sunday morning at -16.2 ° C, closely followed by La Chaux-de-Fonds (-15.6 °) or even Delémont (-14, 2).

Temperatures are also below -10 degrees in the plains

Temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius were also recorded in the plains, particularly in St. Gallen (-12.6 degrees) and Zurich (-11.6 degrees) on Sunday morning, February 14th. In the towns of the Francophone plateau, mercury has decreased slightly, to -8.6 degrees in Freiburg, -7.7 degrees in Neuchâtel, -6.0 degrees in Lausanne, -5.6 degrees in Sion and -4, 0 degrees in Geneva.

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Minimum temperature data for Switzerland. Augment

The thermometer should return to 0 ° C during the day on Sunday, and the northern winds will lose their strength. Temperatures are expected to be milder from Tuesday, with weak disturbances arriving.

RAM note. In Spain, the minimum temperature record has not been approved -35.8 ° C Measured at the station Vega de Ljords (1872 AD), LionOn January 1, 2021, in an area where the air produced stagnant effect Cold air pool.

thanks for the Miguel Martin Del Rio To send news.

RTS.CH, Ogimet Data

This entry has been published News On February 15, 2021 by Francisco Martin Leon

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