Police warn of phishing scammers in the Regensburg region

Police warn of phishing scammers in the Regensburg region

– Image of the symbol: dpa

Since Friday, calls from fraudsters have increased in the city and region of Regensburg. Therefore, the police urgently warn of fraud.

As announced by the police headquarters in the southern state of Upper Bavaria on Friday, this is called “fraud in the call center.” So far, it has been discovered that the phone fraudsters are mainly pretending to be police officers or relatives. A so-called “grandchild hoax” has also been reported. According to the police, perpetrators ask, among other things, about the financial conditions of those summoned or confronted with horrific events, such as accidents involving relatives. This way they want to convince their victims to send the money.

This is what the police advise

Therefore the police advise the following: Do not give strangers any information about financial conditions. In any case, the police must immediately Telephone number 110 to be called. In addition, one must ensure the authenticity of the caller and not use any of the specified callback numbers. You should not allow strangers to enter the apartment and inform relatives or neighbors of the call.

According to the police, bank employees should pay special attention to unusually high cash withdrawals. The police are asking relatives and friends to draw the attention of the elderly to this type of crime. – weaves

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