Plot and cast of the new thriller series
The short series Echoes, produced by Thirteen director Brian Yorkey, and starring Michelle Monaghan, will soon appear on Netflix. The miniseries is a thriller about identical twins who exchange their lives: let’s discover the plot and the actress together.
reverberation Is it new short film from Netflix Created by Vanessa Ghazi It is produced by Brian YorkieFamous for creating the TV series Thirteen And to get Pulitzer Prize.
The series will consist of Seven episodes Who will tell a story? twins Who exchanged their lives over the years, to the point that they lived one double life Until the age of majority. One day, however, them Secret Endangered by one unfortunate event.
Echoes: the plot
reverberation Follow events liny NS Jenna, Because identical twins who share a terrible secret. In fact, the two secretly exchanged their lives with each other, and even as adults they continued to live one life double life: They share a couple, two homes and a son. But one day it was one of the two sisters Disappears.
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Michelle Monaghan Both twins will play liny NS Jenna. The first is a housewife mother who married her childhood friend and helps run the family’s horse farm. Jenna is the opposite of her twin: after moving to Los Angeles she has had amazing success as a writer.
Jonathan Tucker will explain Dolan James, a troubled and mysterious citizen and childhood friend of the twins, while Matt Bomer will play like Jack BeckLenny’s husband.
Daniel Sungata will explain Charlie DavenportJenna’s husband and will also be present:
- Ali Stroker in turn Claudia;
- Karen Robinson In the role of the sheriff Louise money;
- Rosani Zias in turn Paula Martinez;
- Michael O’Neill in turn Victor McCleary;
- Celia Weston in turn Georgia Tyler;
- Jable Swanlund in turn Matilda “Matti” Beck.
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