Panatta promotes its international business and leads to increased sales in the US and UK

Panatta promotes its international business and leads to increased sales in the US and UK

The Panata continues to grow overseas. The Italian fitness equipment company has placed its machines in various centers in the United Kingdom and America (USA and Canada) through its network of distributors to standardize the brand outside a country across the Alps.

The company supplied equipment for two new centers that opened in 2020 in England: Phx Gym in Brighton and Fitnastic in central London. By 2021, Banata will provide the machinery for two centers that will open in the coming months: Warehouse Gym Swansea in Wales and Amould’s Gym in Wirral.

On the other hand, in North America, materials from the Italian group were inserted at Pure Muscle & Fitness in Burlington, Canada, as well as the Leonardo Da Vinci Center in downtown Montreal, the company said.

In the United States, Panatta was deployed along the west coast and east coast of the country through its distributors, who were able to clear all of their stock from warehouses before the end of the year after a 300% increase in their warehouses. Requests.

The Italian company, with a turnover of about 25 million euros, has its own structure in Spain and one of its main markets, from which it obtains 5% of the group’s total sales. The Italian group is in the middle of Spain’s growth plan.

Panatta, founded by Rudy Panatta more than fifty years ago, is the only Italian company in the fitness sector making machines in its country, specifically in Macerata, central Italy.

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