Netflix’s The Witcher reviews the terrifying Wild Hunt in official concept art.

Netflix's The Witcher reviews the terrifying Wild Hunt in official concept art.

The terrifying Wild Hunt from The Witcher is designed into a beautifully crafted artwork.

league netflix de witcher He got the second season last month, and we were already able to see Wild Hunt. On the Twitter account, however, the concept art depicts some knights, mare and most important members, including Irene.

Each character has a distinctive design, which translates well to the fearsome appearance of the armor worn by skeletal knights described in books Andrei Sapkowski It is represented in a video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


the “Ghosts of Morehough” They are a group of Aen Elle who want to capture them CharacteristicGeralt’s protégé, about the powers in which the series’ second season expanded the discourse, hinted that for season three we’ll know more about the core members who make up Wild Hunt.

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source: Dual Shockers /

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