Netflix reveals all the Easter eggs and mentions to Karate Kid

Cobra Kai 3: Netflix svela tutti gli easter egg e i riferimenti a Karate Kid

With a video posted on YouTube, the video streaming service indicates all the links between the series and the epic movies: What number have you identified?

One of the most popular exercises for lovers karate Kid Based on Cobra cay He tries to find everything Links In between series, he recently returned to Netflix With th third seasonAnd movies. Even in the final episode of the episodes, the authors of Cobra cay Dozens of dozens of References a Easter egg That made the fans happy. Not just the return of beloved characters from the saga like Ali Mills (Elizabeth Shaw) But also furniture pieces, jokes, or songs: Only a true fan can notice them all. Three weeks after the release of Season Three, Netflix decided to finally reveal all 23 references in a video.

References to the Karate Kid in Cobra Kai 3

The video reveals all the Easter eggs Cobra cay 3, even the hardest to spot. From the famous spaghetti for marinara at the country club, to the car that Professor Miyagi gave to Daniel, to the same songs used in the soundtrack, to the lines uttered by the same characters thirty years later, to the karate moves already seen in the movies: these are just some of the references that Only a minute eye could absorb it.

And you, how many references did you get? It seems that in Season 4, which Netflix has already confirmed, there will be other familiar faces, and the story, to the delight of fans, will be increasingly linked to that of the movies. If you want to know more, you can read our in-depth analysis with Plot previews and cast for Cobra Kai 4.

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