Negotiators now want to wear a mask to protect themselves from vaccines

aAmerican virus deniers who previously refused to wear a mask are now required to wear face shields on the street and stay away from them, but not because of Covid-19: because of people who have already been vaccinated because they believe it rules out potential harm to “proteins”.
According to the MP’s report, It’s a movement that has erupted in the United States and has many explanations and side effects (it can cause irregular periods, infertility, and miscarriages), but it agrees on one aspect: People who get vaccinated may not be safe for those who haven’t experienced it. Vaccination.
The most famous personalities among the vaccine masks and shields instruct their followers that the best way to protect yourself is to choose social distancing and use a mask – two preventive measures that have so far been rejected (or ineffective) or Because the virus does not exist).
This theory, without scientific or documented reason, is just one component of the broader conspiracy theory that states that Covid-19 is a scam to evacuate the world and that a vaccine is the ultimate poison.
As Vice writes, these theories arose out of ignorance of how vaccines were made, which is not the case, for example. People started to evict Medicine Coping with vaccinated people does not lead to changes in the menstrual cycle.
Read also: Ten detainees in a demonstration in favor of the denial judge in Lisbon
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