Messaging applications are “our daily bread”… What will happen if we abandon them?

Messaging applications are "our daily bread"... What will happen if we abandon them?

Messaging applications today are considered an essential means of communication between people and effective tools for conducting business remotely, so can we abandon them completely?

On this topic, and in an interview, Anastasia Ilysheva, an expert, business analyst and one of the supervisors of the Gem4me application, said: “Messaging applications today have become an essential and indispensable element of our daily life, to the extent that if we abandon them, we will feel deprived of many possibilities .. Many things related to work areas are now going through these applications, and in remote working conditions, these programs are necessary tools for communication between employers, customers and employees, and in this field applications are also used as sales channels, as a means of searching for customers and suppliers and as a tool for advertising.

She added, “These applications can also be used to find and communicate with people who share some interests with us, such as playing sports or traveling for example, and forming groups in these applications to gather some people in them has become one of the most popular services provided by these programs.”

According to the expert, “Messaging applications today provide many news channels that many people prefer over traditional news sources such as television stations and other media, and these applications are now adopted as a means by some parents to know and follow up on their children’s school conditions, so abandoning this Programs may deprive man today of many of the possibilities offered by modern technology.”

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