MCU: Some data reveals the importance of Marvel to Disney +

Media whip, via diverseNew data on how to do it hook Attract high profile viewers on Disney + And its impact on subscribers of the broadcast service. The research team conducted a survey of users of the platform in the United States over the age of 13 years.
The result of that study is that 66% of the respondents will definitely watch the mentoring series with Jeremy Renner NS Hailee SteinfeldWhile 10% said they would not see it.
The survey also showed evidence that the majority of respondents had watched the series he produced marvel. WandaVision He tops the list with 72.4%, loki to 66.7% H The Hawk and the Winter Soldier In third place with 64.7%. according to Media whip, the three shows helped Disney + To gain more subscribers later The Mandalorian (December 2020). So it is clear thatMCU It is the main driver of the platform.
But despite this, a large percentage (39.5%) of the respondents from Media whip Also admitted to participating in Disney + Not only for the contents Marvel Studios, but also for other projects related to Disney.
marvelRecognizing the importance of cinematography in today’s entertainment, “pays” fanscinematic universe Watch plots and links to shows. All this is necessary to understand the extension of other shows and above all to other films directed to the theater. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the growth trend Disney + will continue until marvel It will produce new titles and shows.
New projects will soon arrive on the House of Mickey Mouse platform star Wars: boba fett bookAnd AndorAnd Obi-Wan Kenobinew seasons Star Wars: The Bad Batch NS The Mandalorian; Recorded documentaries National Geographic (no limits With Chris Hemsworth NS Welcome to Earth With will Smith); league The Beatles: come back from Peter Jackson And many other products Disney/Pixar.
The first two episodes of the new series Disney +And hook, I streaming now. Subsequent episodes of the series will be available on a weekly basis every wednesday. In short, there is more than enough reason to subscribe to Disney +.
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