Lena Meyer-Landrott & Niko Santos in “Euphoria” – “Something’s stinging right now”

Lena Meyer-Landrott & Niko Santos in "Euphoria" - "Something's stinging right now"

Hey, are you ready to enter the studio? , Nico Santos asked his pop co-star Lena Mayer Landrott during the process of creating “Better” – the 29-year-old was up for it and sang the hit song with a musician (photo montage)

© Britta Pedersen / Axel Heimken / Johannes Hennemuth / dpa / picture alliance

  • Jonas Arpas

    FromJonas Arpas


Lena Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos broke into the charts in 2019 with their single “Better”. The now-pop musician spoke on Instagram about the song’s creation – revealing: “Euphoria” was evident during the recordings. “There is something in this room,” the 28-year-old remarked at the time.

BERLIN – There was virtually no room to beat Lena Meyer Landrott * (29) and Niko Santos (28) a German music lover for years: the two pop stars * have had successful hits The radio has long been conquered, Has also been on stage in major TV * formats such as “The Voice of Germany” (ProSieben *) or “Sing my Song – Das Tauschkonzert” (Vox *). In 2019, the singer, songwriter, and ESC Award winner released the single “Better”.

On the occasion of the 1st anniversary of their second self-titled studio album (1st release: May 8, 2020), the 28-year-old looks back and remembers on Instagram * How did the collaboration come about. He enters into a rapture. Extratipp.com reports *.

In 2019, Lena Meyer-Landrut and her pop co-star Niko Santos stormed the charts alongside the “Better” duo, now the 28-year-old musician talks about the collaboration on Instagram, talks about studio recordings and videography

© Britta Pedersen / dpa / picture alliance

Lena Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos: “Euphoria” grew up with “Better” in the studio

Under the banner “Stories Behind the Album,” Niko Santos is currently providing a behind the scenes glimpse of his record, released in 2020, as he offers Interesting facts and exciting background information. It begins with an anecdote about the hit single “Better”, which the 28-year-old sang in 2019 with fellow pop star Lena Mayer Landrott *. Guitar melody for the number suggested by producer Pascal “Kali” Reinhart immediately appealed to the musician – despite the new sound effect -: “It sounds more modern than I did otherwise, But he still looks a lot like me. “

As partner of the duo, Niko Santos quickly thought of Lena Meyer-Landrut: “I think Lena has just finished her tour – should I write to her?” Think about that time – he said, it’s over: “Hey, do you want to come to the studio? I have an idea here that would be really cool, ”the 28-year-old convinced his colleague very quickly.“ Better, ”then“ finished in a day. ”The mood between each other looked great, and the duo got along instantly, as the Bremen-born * revealed:“ The moment you are in the studio and think: “It looks a bit different, there’s something out there now, something right here in the room” – You can practically touch her, like this ecstasy. “

Lena Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos: A hilarious experience while shooting a video

There’s also a lot to say about filming the “Better” video: In the action-packed clip, Lena Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos race across a cornfield in a red SUV. According to the pop singer, it was clarified which of the two was allowed to sit behind the wheel: “I don’t have a driver’s license. Can’t Lina do that?” Especially stunning: in the music video, the car flips and flips upside down on its own axis. “It was the scene that I really wanted there to be”The 28-year-old admits – how a little this trick surprised him.

The trolley is tightly installed in an advanced device so that it can rotate 360 ​​degrees easily. “Oh, that’s how it’s done? I thought the camera was spinning.”Niko Santos was astonished. The production team explained, “No, turn around.” So Lena Meyer-Landrut and the translator “Like I Love You” took their place in the complex construction – and the startling “journey” began. However, the action was probably not very pleasant: “At one point I thought my coffee was coming (…). But we pulled it off and I still really like the scenery. “The effort was definitely worth it: the pop and Hanover musician * achieved gold status with” Best “only a few weeks ago (reported extratipp.com *).

Now on extratipp.com: great news and exciting stories from the world of music

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