Jupiter’s Great Red Spot appears in Hubble’s new view of the planet’s crazy storms

Jupiter's Great Red Spot appears in Hubble's new view of the planet's crazy storms

The Hubble Space Telescope captured this wonderful view of Jupiter and its moon Europa in August 2020.

NASA, the European Space Agency, and Prof. Simon (NASA / GSFC), MH Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the Opal Team

Jupiter is not like Earth. The swirling and roaring atmosphere of the gas giant is full of wild storms. The planet’s colorful cloud bands appear in a new image of the Hubble Space Telescope taken on August 25th.

The view from 406 million miles (650 million km) is beautifully clear thanks to Hubble’s piercing eye. The telescope is a joint project between NASA and NASA European Space Agency.

Scientists are especially excited about a new, fast-moving storm that broke out in mid-August. It appears as a bright white region in the upper left of the planet. NASA said “The timing of Hubble’s observations is ideal for showing the structure in the wake of turbulence, during the early stages of its evolution.”

If you look closely, you can also see the magnificent Jupiter’s moon Europa in the dark to the left. NASA is evolving Mission to visit the icy world, Which could be a file A prime place to check for alien life.

The Hubble Jupiter image highlights the planet’s most famous landmarks. “The iconic Great Red Spot, a storm large enough to swallow up the Earth, is shown to be shrinking slightly in Hubble images, but still dominating the entire southern atmosphere, traversing clouds like a cargo ship,” NASA said In a statement released on Thursday.

Research shows that the Great Red Spot is diminishing, and the cause of the resizing is unknown. Still scientists We expect she will be hanging around for yearsAnd we hope for more Hubble images like this one. His space telescope Has seen its share of technical glitchesBut he never gave up.

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