It’s “time” for the kids to go back to school

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The man conducted a COVID-19 test in his car at a driving test site in Phoenix on June 27th. Matt York / AP

While coronavirus cases in Arizona continue to rise, Mayor Kate Gallego says Phoenix faces a “major lack of testing.”

“People are in a hot car for eight hours while it hurts, waiting for a test,” she said. “We’re in the United States for five months. People who want a test shouldn’t have to wait that long.”

Gallego says there is a need to examine low barriers. She asked the federal government and the Federal Crisis Management Agency for mass investigations of the Phoenix site, but that request was denied.

“I believe the test wave could help us fall behind, and we need help processing those tests. People have to wait more than a week to get results. The health information they need to live their daily lives is important,” she said. “We need our federal government to work with us. I take all the city resources I can and put them to the test. We have library and park staff who help with testing, but their strength and effectiveness could be increased if we have specialized medical professionals who know about testing. “

William Haseltine, a former professor at Harvard Medical School, argued that Arizona is enforcing a crisis standard of care, meaning, “if you grow old, you’ll be sent home carefree and die.”

“Unfortunately, our medical workers do not have the necessary funds and that is why they are asked to make difficult decisions,” Gallego said, responding to Hasselta’s comments. She stressed that people who experience emergency conditions such as a heart attack should still go to the emergency room and will receive care.

“There is a possibility of caring for individuals, but we do not meet the standards of care in all cases we want. We have very stretched beds with intensive care, ”she explained.

Medical workers are exhausted and are looking for reinforcements, warning that “the worst is yet to come,” says Gallego.

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