Israel Adesanya is here to lead the UFC into the next generation

Israel Adesanya is here to lead the UFC into the next generation

The Telegraph

Lawrence Fox establishes a new political party to fight the culture wars

Actor Lawrence Fox launched a political party to fight the culture wars after raising more than a million pounds, including large sums from former Conservative donors, that The Telegraph can reveal. Fox hopes to nominate dozens of candidates for his new party in the upcoming general elections to provide a political movement for people “who are tired of telling us that we are the same thing that we have stood against in history.” Its goals include reforming publicly funded institutions, and is likely to include the BBC, and celebrating Britain’s history and its global contribution. The new party (tentatively called the “Reclamation”) may be launched as soon as next month. The name of the party is subject to the approval of the Election Commission. It is scheduled to present organizational papers for the elections in the middle of this week. Fox said in a statement to The Telegraph: “Over many years, it has become clear that our politicians have lost touch with the people who represent and govern them.” Moreover, our public institutions are now working on an agenda that goes beyond its main objective. Our modern UK arose out of the respectful inclusion of many individual voices. “It is steeped in the innate values ​​of families and communities, diverse in a true sense but united in the desire and need to call this island home.” The people of the United Kingdom are tired of telling us that we stand for the same thing in history, and together they stood against. “We are all honored to be the custodians of our common heritage. We can restore a respectable nation where everyone is included and no one is ashamed of having a place that calls home.” I am very encouraged by the support I have received from those who wish to add their voices to this reform of our values. “Our country is now in dire need of a new political movement that pledges to make our future a common endeavor, not a divisive one. This is my endeavor now.” A Westminster source described the new party as a UK Independence Party version of the culture wars that could draw hundreds of thousands of disaffected Conservative voters in the upcoming general election. The source said: “This is basically a cultural devotion, which is exactly what the Conservative Party should be afraid of.” Sources close to Reclaim confirmed that they do not see themselves from the left or the right in British politics, insisting that “it is a wide church, recognizing that the right and the left are dying from differences.” The retrieval has three declared goals, according to the plans seen by The Telegraph. The first is “to strengthen the open space by fully protecting the basic freedoms of speech, expression, thought, association and academic research. Standing against complete opposition to laws and other measures that undermine these freedoms.” The second goal is “to reform the institutions financed, managed and managed by the government to ensure that they achieve their primary goal, free from political bias or agendas outside of its scope.” This reform program will cover our system, though it is not limited to democracy, education, law enforcement, civil service, public media, charitable organizations, and other non-governmental organizations that receive public funds. “The third goal is to“ preserve and celebrate our common national history and cultural heritage and global contribution. ”Planning has been underway for the past two months. More than a million pounds sterling have been pledged from entrepreneurs, including former Conservative donor Jeremy Hosking. A spokesman for Mr. Hosking has declined. Commentary.A party management team is currently being appointed ahead of the expected release of Reclaim next month.Fox, Rada-educated, 42, son of actor James Fox, is best known for playing the lead role of DS James Hathaway in Briti sh TV drama series Lewis From 2006 to 2015.

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