Iran suspects that the United States and Israel are behind the cyber attack on gas stations

Iran suspects that the United States and Israel are behind the cyber attack on gas stations

IIts political enemies, Israel and the United States, turned it into a favour cyber attack Blame the national gas station network. “The investigations are still ongoing, but we believe that the Americans and the (Israeli) Zionists are definitely behind them,” Glamarissa Jalali, head of the Cyber ​​Security Department, said, according to media reports on Sunday.

A cyberattack on the payment system of gas stations caused long queues and chaos in the capital, Tehran, and other cities on Wednesday. At many gas stations, Iranians could only refuel with subsidized gasoline without their card, but the fuel was twice as high. Iran initially spoke of a “technical flaw”, but later confirmed the cyber attack. Israel has launched several cyberattacks on the Iranian nuclear organization’s network over the past few years, causing significant financial damage.

Meanwhile, an alleged Iranian hacking group called “Gonjeshk’e Darandeh” (“Wild Sparrow” or “Killer Sparrow”) claimed responsibility for the attack. The measure came in connection with the events of 2019 due to the increase in gasoline prices and to protest the killing and arrest of hundreds of demonstrators. It is also believed that the group hacked into the railway network and surveillance cameras at Ewen Prison.

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