In the Dortmund-Ost pastoral district of Brakel, Neusseln, Aslen and Wicked: church services canceled until January 31

In the Dortmund-Ost pastoral district of Brakel, Neusseln, Aslen and Wicked: church services canceled until January 31

“With a heavy and sad heart,” said Rev. Detailed consultation, until the end of January, all public services have been canceled.

Kitty said, “This decision is painful. With this waiver, we also hope as a church to make a contribution so that we can combat the epidemic as effectively as possible in solidarity with many other social groups and institutions and thus contribute to the protection of people and their health.” Paderborn Parish expressly supports this decision.

After more than 3,100 people have found spiritual performances on the home page during Advent season and Christmas Pastoral Room East has used to continue these shows online and mark virtual solidarity with spiritual impulses on Sundays. They also want to try new forms of worship, for example the worship service broadcast live via zoom.

In addition, all Catholic churches in East Dortmund are open to silent prayer on Sundays during regular church services. Saint Joseph in Asseln and St. Nikolaus von Flüe in Neuasseln at 9:30 a.m. From the divine word in Wickede and St. Clemens in Brackel at 11 am. Chaplains will be present in person and can also be contacted at any time.

One of the churches is lit with colors on Sundays

And: The churches in the Eastern Pastoral District of Dortmund – in the true sense of the word – should remain present and visible: in a special way: every Sunday evening from 5 to 7 pm, a parish church is lit from outside with colored light provided it is reasonably dry. At the same time, churches should be open to contemplative music. The colorful outdoor lighting starts at Wickede’s Church of the Divine Word, Wickeder Hellweg 59, on January 17th.

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“That way, with the necessary distance in personal encounters and a lot of closeness at heart, we can continue down the appropriate path that we hope during this very difficult time right now. We are and will remain in touch with each other. But of course!”

background For the cancellations of church service in the Pastoral Room East, the extended and tight lockdown until the end of January, with all communications being constantly restricted to the very necessary minimum. The Evangelical Church of Westphalia as well as every second parish chamber in Dortmund relinquished all services until January 31.

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