In honor of Bayern Munich: The Empire State Building is lit up in red

In honor of Bayern Munich: The Empire State Building is lit up in red - sports

Munich people are committed to soccer in the United States
06/11/2021 9:51 PM

The top of the Empire State Building glows red in honor of the Bavaria.

© Emma Howells/USAF via

The top of the Empire State Building in New York is lit up red in honor of Bayern Munich. The German champions scored on Thursday. The Manhattan skyscraper lit up red on Wednesday evening. The historic 2019/20 season recognized Bayern Munich with six titles and the club’s commitment to developing football in the United States.

Bayern Munich is a ghost hero: this is how the players celebrate the title!

Nordic Ghost Party – Tote Hose in Munich: FC Bayern Munich is the 30th German football champion and the first “ghost champions” in the history of the Bundesliga. Here are the pictures of the Bremen and Munich celebrations!

“New York was our first office outside of Munich and we immediately felt at home,” said the Munich board member. “Since then we have always worked to expand our fan base, create mutually beneficial partnerships and support the growth of football in America.” Internationalization, Jörg Walker.

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