Helbiz, a new partnership underway with Wheels

Helbiz, a new partnership underway with Wheels

Helbiz has announced the signing of a new partnership with Wheels, a joint electric mobility platform, which has technology that sees helmet integration into the vehicle. These are innovative two-wheeled devices, which are equipped with a special design seat that allows you to move freely in the city. The vehicles feature a low center of gravity and 14″ wheels that make them safe to move even on uneven pavement surfaces. Wheels Helbiz will supply an initial fleet of 2,500 vehicles to be deployed for the first time in four US cities and tracked in two special Italian regions starting next month, with the goal of expanding to other markets in the near future. “We are pleased to expand our micro-mobility offerings to include wheel seat hardware, which has a design highly desirable by customers,” said Luca Santambrogio, Helbiz’s Regional Director. “The integrated Wheels Seats and Smart Helmet design allows us to serve a wide range of users, including those with reduced mobility. We look forward to the future of this partnership that will expand our product offering and provide passengers with even more tilt options that fit their needs.” “The partnership between Wheels and Helbiz is a natural choice,” said Will Sowers, Wheels Director of Public Affairs. He added, “As a leading company and the first publicly listed micro-mobility company, Helbiz is an ideal partner to support Wheels in furthering our mission to make micro-mobility safe and accessible to all.” It will be possible to open and rent Wheels cars directly from the Helbiz app, which can be downloaded from the Play Store and Apple Store. . ads/com 13-Jan-22 16:10

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