Heavy rain: many floods from Gmunden to Steyr

Heavy rain: many floods from Gmunden to Steyr

The provinces of Gmunden, Kirchdorf and Steyrland were particularly affected. By 9 p.m., 100 firefighters with about 1,500 emergency personnel had to rush out to provide assistance 512 times. There were cellars that flooded, the streets were flooded and had to be closed, like the Esplanade in Gmunden. Emergency services recovered cars from flooding and tried to control blocks of water with sandbags. Government fire brigades also received reports of “water in the living room” and “floating manhole covers” more often.

Video, captured at Gmundner Rathausplatz, shows how water flows from overburdened manhole covers:

The situation is relaxing

Since six o’clock in the evening, sirens sounded in the Gmunden region: the announced storms have reached the area. Fire brigades there were alerted to over 60 floods in half an hour. Also at Innviertel, there were occasional attacks before the thunderstorm line moved to the northeast. The fire department said the towns of Gmunden, Kremsminster, Bad Hall, Päferkirchen and Wolvern were particularly hard hit.

According to the forecasts of the Central Institute of Meteorology and Meteorology (ZAMG), the weather will calm down in the coming hours. Then it should stay dry longer. But after midnight, rain is expected again. In most parts of the country this should be slight, in the south a little stronger.

7pm message card:

The state fire brigade deployment map shows the line of thunderstorms

Photo: LFK O

Serious damage on Sunday evening

The storms had already caused significant damage in regions of Upper Austria on Sunday evening. Most of the problems were caused by high winds that blew in the evening, covering roofs and damaging trees.

A 47-year-old driver was outside with his 17-year-old son in Auberge in Upper Melviertel when the storm broke. In Gterweg Hollerberg, a 25-meter tree overturned due to the storm, and the trunk fell directly onto the roof of the car, which stopped about 100 meters on the bridge. The 47-year-old was trapped in the car, and his son and neighbor managed to free him from the car. The ambulance took him to the hospital.

According to the State Fire Brigade Command, 113 fire brigades with 1,500 firefighters were called to 260 deployments across the state yesterday evening — nearly all areas affected.

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