Healthcare webinar |  Onetz

Healthcare in rural areas is hard work. In a webinar of the Academy of Ostbahnen-Bohmann and the Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB) experts talk about problems and solutions.

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The Neunburger Academy Ostbayern-Böhmen and Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB), which has been part of a cooperation partnership since October 1, 2020, will start a webinar on the topic “Healthcare in rural areas – Status and prospects”) in Schönsee in the joint program year 2021.

In addition to the problem of healthcare in rural areas, the symposium also focuses on examples of possible solutions. In three blocks, health experts from different institutions will provide participants with insights into healthcare in Eastern Bavaria and Bohemia. In Box 1, Professor Stephen Hamm and Doctor Prof. Clemens Polita of OTH Amberg-Weiden present the state of healthcare in East Bavaria. Both lectures are in Box 2. The potential solutions and potential of 5G healthcare technology in rural areas are discussed, as illustrated using the “5G 4 Healthcare” model area example. In the final block 3, the focus is on the Neuenburg Medicare Center (MVZ). Doctor. Richard Wagner, internist, head of a grassroots clinic for 25 years, moved to the “Osterpfals Health Center” at the former Neuenburg Hospital in the middle of last year.

The event will be broadcast live and translated simultaneously. The audience was invited to actively participate in the conversation with questions in the Internet chat. Information about the program and individual speakers are posted on The login zoom address is: The conference can also be followed online on Facebook.

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