Hamburg buys the old road to Wilhelmsburg Reichsstraße – dpa

Death of Chief Sports Officer Walter Troger - dpa

meAs part of developing the area on Wilhelmsburg’s Elbe Island, Hamburg will buy the old Wilhelmsburg Reichsstraße from the federal government. The 163,000-square-meter space between the intersections of Wilhelmsburg and Georgswerder, which used to be Federal Highway 75, which was moved to the east, until 2019, will be transferred to the city for 6.4 million euros, according to Andreas Dressel, a financial senator, Urban. Development Senator Dorothy Staplevelt (both SPD) and Christoph Krupp, a spokesman for the Federal Real Estate Agency’s board of directors, said Tuesday. However, the Bundestag Budget Committee has yet to approve the sale.

In addition to three new residential neighborhoods, a new green landscaping hub will be established there. A total of about 4,800 apartments as well as offices and commercial space will be built in the areas of Wilhelmsburg Rathausviertel, Elbinselquartier and Spreehafenviertel, as well as a campus with all three school types for 1,500 pupils. The new landscape hub aims to combine Inselpark and offer several options for sports, leisure and relaxation.

Dressel said the purchase fits perfectly in “our new active land policy, in which we want to scale urban areas in perspective in order to secure urban impact.”

Stapelfeldt noted that the B75 has been driving the Wilhelmsburg route for many years. Neighborhoods with lively neighborhoods there must now be created in a space-saving manner, “which are so well connected to each other and to the surroundings so as to eliminate the separating effect of the old road”. The increased coexistence of commercial and residential areas that characterize Wilhelmsburg must be preserved and developed in a contemporary way.

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“By demolishing the Wilhelmsburg Reichsstrasse, what belongs together grows together,” said State Environmental Adviser Michael Pullman (Greenz). “We are closing the wound from this road in the island park, and we can now develop the green area with its gardens, waterways and old trees as a cohesive area.”

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