Gütersloh District General Decree – Herzeblog.de

Gütersloh District General Decree - Herzeblog.de

The new public decree will take effect from lunchtime Monday: exit restrictions, reduced special meetings and other regulations.

Gütersloh. After accidents permanently exceeded 200 cases (the status of COVID-19 in the past seven days / 100,000 inhabitants), the Gütersloh District issued a public decree in coordination with the 13 mayors. It provides further restrictions and implements preventive measures that work to prevent and combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2. We had no other option to protect the population. The numbers had risen sharply until Christmas, so we had to act, “explains District Officer Sven George Adenauer. The first coordination with the New South Wales Department of Health was already done on Christmas Eve, and the draft general ordinance has since been revised. Adenauer: The fact that accidents happen during holidays should not be taken into account in this case. The numbers are not very meaningful because very little has been tested during Christmas. Adenauer: We are aware that we are interfering with basic rights. But this is currently inevitable. “

The general decree, which takes effect from Monday noon (December 28, 12 noon) and from the beginning until the end of January 10 (the nationwide lockdown also applies to this day), consists of six points.

  • Private meetings It is limited to the number of people it previously also applies to in public places. This means that two families can meet a maximum of five people. Children up to the age of 14 are not counted.
  • Night curfew: During the night curfew from 10 PM until 5 AM, you are only allowed to leave your apartment / house for important reasons. These exceptions include the urgent use of medical or veterinary care services, the exercise of professional or official activities, the exercise of custody and access rights, the urgent care of people requiring support and minors, the accompaniment of death, animal welfare measures or similar irrefutable reasons. A night curfew prevents social gatherings in private rooms in the evening, and there will be no exceptions on New Year’s Eve.
  • Wearing FFP2 Masks or KN95 Masks in Institutions: The FFP2 mask or the KN95 mask should be worn permanently within adult facilities – inpatient or semi-patient – as well as in facilities for the disabled and similar facilities as well as in asylum seekers’ homes, homeless shelters and similar facilities. The mask can be removed from activities that are performed in isolation. You are also required to wear a mask during work breaks if you have been in contact with other people. In principle, intermittent rest times should be established.
  • Wearing masks daily: In the course of operations, a daily mask must be worn in closed rooms if a distance of two meters cannot be maintained. An exception: if it concerns people of the same family. The daily mask can be dispensed with in the aforementioned rooms if it is ensured that there is a permanent distance of two meters between people and the rooms are ventilated every 20 minutes for a period of 5 minutes.
  • In car pools FFP2 or KN95 masks should be worn if they are from different families. Exceptions apply only to drivers who wear glasses, people who cannot wear masks for medical reasons, and children up to 14 years of age. All children starting school must wear daily masks in car showers.
  • Churches and Religious Sects: An appeal has been made to churches and religious communities in the Gütersloh area not to hold church services and similar religious gatherings in attendance until January 10, 2021. In the event that churches or religious communities nonetheless conduct church services or other religious gatherings in their presence, they reduce room-sharing capabilities. Used in church services and other religious gatherings, which has already been curtailed in regard to requirements for maintaining distance under Corona conditions, by another 30%. Church services and similar gatherings for practicing religious rites in closed rooms are limited to a maximum of 45 minutes. For church services or similar religious gatherings in closed rooms, churches and religious communities also develop specific ventilation concepts that ensure permanent or at least regular ventilation with short ventilation periods.
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More information can be found in the Official Gazette: https://www.kreis-guetersloh.de/aktuelles/amtsblaetter/

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