Google Maps | How to view your location coordinates from your Android or iOS device | Address | Maps | trick | wander | guide | Smart phones | Mobile phones | technology | OS | nda | nnni | data

Google Maps |  How to view your location coordinates from your Android or iOS device |  Address |  Maps |  trick |  wander |  guide |  Smart phones |  Mobile phones |  technology |  OS |  nda |  nnni |  data

Smartphones today are able to guide you anywhere in the world through the application However, often the aforementioned platform can’t recognize your current address when you put it in the search bar, so today we’re going to teach you a simple trick so you can share your exact format with someone. Want to know where to find the coordinates? From your home or workplace? Here we will explain it. Take note.

It is one of the most used location systems in the world, so it is very likely that you will use it when you want to get to a certain place; However, many users have complained that after entering some addresses, the app is unable to recognize them, and it is not yet known why this happened.

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The truth is Google Maps You will never fail if you put one on geographic coordinates, What is that? It is a reference system that allows each location in the world to be identified by a set of numbers.

How to see coordinates for your location using Google Maps

  • First, make sure of it Google Maps You have no pending updates in the Android Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  • Now, enter the application.
  • On any part of the map, perform the long-press gesture, for about three seconds.
  • The red pin icon will appear automatically.
  • At the top, to be precise in the search bar you have the exact coordinates of this place, copy them.
  • You can also see the coordinates by sliding the section on the bottom side from the bottom to the top.
  • Finally, tap the number that appears next to the blue pin to quickly copy the coordinates.
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Ready, you know where the coordinates of your address or point are anywhere on the planet. If you want a friend or family member to know exactly where you are, give them the number you copied in the steps above, and have them open Google Maps And paste or put this code in the search bar.

How to find out if there is real-time traffic using Google Maps

  • Opens Google Maps.
  • Click on the Layers icon on the right side.
  • A new window will open, go here to the “Map details” section.
  • Finally, press “Traffic” and close the window.

As you can see, the map will now show you different colored lines on the roads and roads: green means that there is no vehicle congestion; Yellow means there is little traffic; Finally, when there is a traffic jam or a traffic jam, Google Maps You will be marked by red lines. If you see the latter, then it is recommended to take other paths that highlight the first two colors.

Do you have problems with Google Maps? If the app is crashing on your phone or tablet, or has another issue affecting your experience, follow this series of steps by clicking To access Google Help Support.

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