Google map with many changes, now travel the green road… | technology | google map | Technology News | Technology News | Technology News | malayalam technology news


There is a claim that if you ask for directions to Google Maps on the phone and go somewhere, you won’t get there. Google will not be able to catch any of the loopholes in our country so quickly. But Google Maps can be very useful in areas where there are specific roads. It can tell us where is blocking traffic. Going a step further, Google Maps will now let us know which route is the most environmentally friendly.

It started in the United States. Google Maps will tell you how to get to your destination with the lowest fuel cost, not just the “green and green” route. This is with the help of artificial intelligence and information from the US Department of Energy. In addition to the fastest and highest mileage route, we also know the time difference between the two routes, the difference in fuel costs, and the amount of environmental impact or carbon emissions. Google describes it as a facility that benefits both people and nature. Google’s move is increasingly important as the time is not far off when reducing the carbon footprint of every trip becomes everyone’s responsibility. It is expected that Google will soon expand this feature to countries including India.

It also comes with a bike navigation system

Last year, Google saw a 98% increase in the number of cyclists looking at Google Maps, compared to the previous year, and Google is ready to offer “light” cycling for cycling. It will also start in the US in a few months. Lightweight navigation is only key information considering comments that cyclists don’t always have to look at the phone and step-by-step navigation, which is useful in larger vehicles, is not very important.

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English Summary: Google is updating Maps, Search, and other products to help consumers save energy and reduce emissions

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